Buddy.fm Ultimate [TEST]


$97.00 billed every month

Chat about everything! With 2000 messages, you really don't have to think about limits.

📝 2000 messages in conversation / month

🎙Voice messages

📆 Reminders

🔎 Online searching

🌄 Image recognition

🧪 Early access to experimental features

🧑‍💻 Priority support

Both your messages and messages from Buddy are counted towards the message limit.

If you use up your subscription, Buddy will let you know and you will be able to buy a package of additional replies.

Buddy is on Telegram (if you don't have Telegram yet, please get it from AppStore or Google Play, it's a free and secure chatting app with 950 million users).

If you need help or have questions, contact us at [email protected]
